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Nome do Evento: Decarbonization of the Forest based Industry 28th November 2022

Entidade Oganizadora: Tecnicelpa

Categoria: Seminários

Cidade: Coimbra

Local: Hotel Dona Inês

Data: 28-11-2022

Newsletter: Ver Mais



Optimization of industry processes is nothing new but was normally driven by companies economical or quality targets (the best product at minimum cost). Now, for the first time, companies start to realize that climate changes may have a tremendous impact on business profitably and company survival. So, it’s not enough to produce at process optimized conditions, it’s necessary to do it at environmental optimized conditions, because otherwise planet will fight back.

Decarbonization of the production process is one road the has been followed with success, but new ideas and technologies have emerged in the last years and so, it’s of most importance to know what the present status of these technologies is.


Main objectives for the event:

  1. To share the strategic vision of public and private entities on industry decarbonization
  2. To see what commercial technologies are available and applications within the pulp and paper industry
  3. To share best practices of other relevant industry sectors facing the same challenge that forest based industry is dealing with.
  4. To look at emerging decarbonizing alternatives that may become leading technologies in short or medium term.


Target public:

Leading managers of industrial companies and technical people linked with business areas where sustainability, process optimization and procurement play a key role.

General technical people looking for knowledge about strategies and technical solutions that major companies are implementing for decarbonizing it’s production processes.


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Associação Portuguesa dos Técnicos das Indústrias de Celulose e Papel

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