Entidade Oganizadora: Tecnicelpa e UNAVE
Categoria: Seminários
Cidade: Figueira da Foz
Data: 12-10-2022 a 14-10-2022
Newsletter: Ver Mais
Effluent treatment and water use management is one of the permanent chalenges of the pulp and paper industry which on today’s context is of the outmost importance due to:
Increased and new compliance requirements on emission limit values but also on monitoring and scope
Inreased pressure on water resources related with availability and reduced impact on recipient media
On the other hand, the need to keep update the pulp and paper technicians in such a specific subject is one of the main reasons for this course.
Evaluate advanced treatment system to remove additionally pollutants or specific parameters for stringiest compliance and integrated on minimal water use context, promoting circularity
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